Dear FMSer,
In recent weeks you have seen and/or heard increasing amounts of information regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19). We want you to know that the health and safety of you, our employee, is a number one priority at FMS. The nature of our business is to provide clean and healthy environments through the proper use of chemicals and cleaning techniques. At FMS, we have the unique advantage of working in healthy environments because of our role in ensuring our facilities are cleaned to a high standard.
As a reminder, the cleaning chemicals that we currently use in our accounts are effective against minimizing the spread of disease including the following:
- Crew 42 (Diversey)
- Glance NA (Diversey)
- Virex/Virex (Diversey)
- Biorenewables Glass Cleaner (Spartan)
- HDQL 10 (Spartan)
- Tribase (Spartan)
We also ask that during this time you take extra care to remember a few simple safety precautions that can help minimize exposure:
- Cover surfaces with cleaning products thoroughly and allow dwell times of up to ten minutes before wiping surfaces dry
- Wear proper PPE at all times, specifically gloves
- Maintain correct coughing/sneezing etiquette by doing so in your elbow or arm, as opposed to an open hand or in the air
- Keep your hands away from your face, eyes, nose and mouth
- Practice proper handwashing techniques
- Communicate with your supervisor if you are feeling ill
Should there be a potential exposure in the account where you work, please contact your supervisor immediately. Should there be a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the account where you work, please stay calm and safely vacate the area of exposure, as well as contact your supervisor immediately.
FMS is partnering with national experts to stay current as more is understood about the Coronavirus (COVID-19). We will continue to communicate with you to ensure everyone is operating in a healthy and safe manner. We take pride in what we do at FMS, and this unique challenge reminds us all how important our work is every day to so many people. FMS and our customers appreciate all that you do each day. This is a true testament to our company and our core values. Thank you for always remembering FMS Core Value #1: I care about the people I work with.
With appreciation,
The FMS Leadership Team